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How To Be An Effective Leader

Aim to be a leader and you will likely fail. Take a stand for a bigger purpose, and you will naturally lead.

The number one thing our clients request when working with us is training on being a better leader. And they are not alone. Leadership as a keyword has over 4.4 billion search results on Google, and organizations in the U.S. alone spend upwards of $14 billion annually on training their employees to be leaders. Yet, […]

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Climate Change: What's Likely To Happen According To Scientists And How To Be Part of the Solution

Most of us know something bad is happening with the climate but don’t know what exactly and how to get involved. Here’s where to start.

After speaking with two meteorology experts and a chemical engineer who specializes in carbon capture technologies, it’s clear we’re not doing enough to get in front of what’s becoming a climate disaster.  A number of credible scientific publications stated that climate change puts the well-being of people around the globe at risk. And yet, most […]

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What Makes A Team High-Performing? And No, it's Not What You Think

Think less about hiring the top talent and more about the team dynamic.

It is inescapable: teamwork. Whether you are volunteering at an event for your kid’s school or leading a business unit or company, one thing you will need to not only understand, but dial-in on is how to lead teams.  Sure, it’s easy to get things done yourself, and some might even prefer it that way. […]

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I Helped Coach Over 10,000 Executives and Found That the Most Effective Leaders Share These 3 Qualities

Your performance is directly linked to how you play the game. The most impressive players have three qualities in common.

  Becoming a top-level executive doesn’t mean you automatically have the right answers for every problem. Recognizing where you have deficiencies is the first step toward playing the game at a higher level, and putting a structure in place to mitigate against your weaknesses is absolutely fundamental. In fact, a 2013 executive coaching survey conducted by Stanford University found […]

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How To Know When To Pivot Or Just Give Up and Shut Down

This immigrant founder, whose company employs 350 people and raised $250 million, reveals his analysis on how to determine if shutting down your business or doubling down is most strategic.

Ever wonder if you should keep running your business or just shut down? When you invest months, possibly years into your business and things are not quite working, it is beyond frustrating. This may cause you to wonder, if I keep going and just make a few changes, will it all turn around or is [...] Read More

How To Break Into A Crowded Market And Win

This founder launched a wine app and went from being the 600th one in the market to the top within a few years. Here he shares his secret to driving this unparalleled growth.

We’ve all heard of the dangers of entering crowded markets, but as an entrepreneur, does that mean you don’t take the risk and withhold from launching your business in that sector?  Entering an already crowded market isn’t advisable, but it’s been done. In a recent episode of Unmessable, I spoke to Heini Zachariassen, who along […]

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These 4 Questions Turn A Failure Into A Lesson

How this serial entrepreneur, whose company once lost billions in funding to Uber, used failure as a catalyst to reinvent himself and grow.

Failures are only failures if we fail to learn from them. These 4 questions turn a failure into a lesson.

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5 Foolproof Morale Boosters To Transform Your Company

Investing in your company’s overall morale is a smart business decision that will yield a positive effect on your organization’s performance.

These are heady days; with nearly full employment and wages inching upward, this vibrant economy has created opportunities that simply didn’t exist just a few years back. No longer does someone feel beholden to a job that sucks the life and soul out of them, as there are plentiful options now available. At the heart […]

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Zumper CEO Anthemos Georgiades

Want To Catapult Your Career? Leverage This One Tricky But Powerful Thing

This Silicon Valley entrepreneur, who raised $90 Million from top venture capital funds to build Zumper -- a marketplace that helps over 70 Million people rent places annually, found a way to channel his grief into a game-changing life purpose.

Have you ever experienced an indescribable loss? Whether the passing of a close loved one, the end of a relationship, or even the death of a pet, times of loss have an ability to drive us toward painful, but valuable introspection. Amid the certain sadness, which often leads you to question everything in your life, you learn things about […]

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Alignment Is The Top Ranked Issue CEOs Face. Here's How To Tackle It In Your Business

As captain of the company, Chief Executive Officers have many challenges to navigate, but which one do you think ranks among the most difficult?

As captain of the company, Chief Executive Officers have many challenges to navigate, but which one do you think ranks among the most difficult? Is it managing the budget? Hiring and firing decisions? Staying on top of public perception? Predicting the future direction of the business? Not quite. It’s execution. As a partner of a […]

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Restoring Trust: What to Do When You Are Wrong at Work

What do Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Winston Churchill, and Abraham Lincoln all have in common? Leadership, of course. Each of these men has been recognized for having risen to the heights of greatness through tenacious, savvy leadership skills. But these great leaders also share another common trait—each of them made some serious blunders, miscalculations, or […]

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Noah Buscher

The One Stunning Tool You Will Need to Realize Maximum Workability

“Integrity is the essence of everything successful.”     Buckminster Fuller How many times have we witnessed a firebrand executive at the top of his or her game plummeted into obscurity, or into jail, due to a fundamental absence of integrity in their business practices. Can someone rise to the heights of their profession without integrity? Oh […]

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How Do You Lead- Vertically Or Horizontally?

What business approach separates the absolute best companies from the average ones? What mindset and behavior shift can transform a team of employees from people who just show up to people who actively strive for the best? What are the differences between an inspiring and masterful leader who brings out the best in people and […]

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Connor Moynihan Unsplash

5 Things Mentally Strong People Do To Navigate Adversity In Business

In business (and in life) we are all bound to experience challenges — disappointment, hardship, and even failure. Remember that time you didn’t close that deal. You didn’t get that raise. You didn’t secure that key partnership. You didn’t do as well as you had hoped on that presentation. You took a company decision and […]

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