Critical Moments in Your Life Can Destroy You or Drive Tremendous Growth – Here’s How to Take Control

March 28th, 2019 Posted by Blog 0 thoughts on “Critical Moments in Your Life Can Destroy You or Drive Tremendous Growth – Here’s How to Take Control”

As humans, we tend to believe we are truly invincible. Focused and driven, we may work insanely hard to achieve a certain level of professional success, even notoriety — just enough to boost the ego up to a precarious perch. Alas, life has a way of humbling even the most accomplished of business leaders, hurling unforeseen curveballs that can have devastating effects if we allow it.

Nothing tests us like adversity. When faced with a major setback or calamity, we really have just two options. We can crumble under the weight of the crisis, or we can get out of our own way and muster up some courage. Facing our struggles head-on takes lots and lots of courage, in sharp contrast to the cowardly act of giving up. So which will it be when you face an unexpected crisis? Will you fold up your tent and go home or will you rise to the challenge that awaits you?

Resilience Under Pressure

We all have a given resilience threshold. Successful individuals tend to be very resourceful and resilient, traits that serve them well by helping them bounce back from setbacks or disappointments and allowing them to move forward. But even the most resilient among us may someday be confronted with a life-altering event or challenge that can test all reserves.

Personally, I have experienced just such an event in recent years. Faced with two intersecting, simultaneous events, one professional and one profoundly personal, I understand what the breaking point looks like. My husband, Alejandro, and I were on the cusp of making a critical decision regarding the future of our company, at a stressful and vexing professional juncture, when we learned that the identical twins I was carrying had developed a life-threatening condition called Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS).

When faced with challenges that, at first glance, appear to be beyond one’s ability to cope, we have to make a choice. Will we give in to fear and doubt or will we access previously unknown reserves of inner strength to overcome the obstacles before us? In our case, we chose to muster up and exercise resilience. But how? How do we pull ourselves out of the mire and envision a positive outcome when things look bleak?

Principles for Taking Control of Your Situation

While each person’s trial is unique, there are common features that are experienced by most when a serious setback occurs:

· Unpredictability. A sense that the problem swooped in out of nowhere, leaving one feeling utterly unprepared to manage it

· Fear. Feelings of fear and anxiety punctuate the initial emotional response to the problem

· Doubt. Feeling that one is over their head, possibly unqualified, and unsure how to navigate the problem

· Uncertainty. Feelings of uncertainty around the outcome, unable to see a resolution

Years of leadership and self-development training came into play during our own struggle as we grappled with these responses. The shock of possibly losing our babies and our business caused my husband and I to revisit insights acquired over the years in business and put them into practice.

Facing a serious business setback, versus the typical bump in the road, requires accessing the same types of principles needed to overcome a personal crisis. These include:

Acceptance. Sometimes it is okay, even beneficial, to wallow a little. Take a minute to feel the pain of the situation and then, when the dust settles, accept the circumstances, make a plan, and engage in seeking solutions.

Vision. The mind is a powerful instrument. Harness this power by envisioning the positive outcome, see the progress you will make, and sincerely believe that it will happen.

Positivity. By shifting from fear to action you create forward momentum and positivity, both necessary for correcting the course and overcoming the adverse event.

Teamwork. Identify a team that will work together in mutual support. Together plan actionable steps towards achieving the stated goals. Encourage each other, brainstorm, and learn from each other’s gifts.

Own it. The process of rebuilding never follows a straight upward path. There will be missteps, blunders, and miscalculations. Learn how to forgive each other, and yourself, for mistakes made in the process.

Reinvent. Use insights learned by the setback to rebrand and reinvent the business. Find a renewed sense of balance and control to forge ahead toward the new vision for the company.

Fearless. Harness the energy powered by that initial fear, and funnel it into constructive actions. Choose positivity and love over fear for amazing and tangible results.

How one responds to these defining moments can dictate whether you wither on the vine or soar to limitless new heights. By practicing these principles you can use an unfortunate business setback as a vehicle for stimulating both personal and professional growth.

So, while in the midst of a business upheaval, ask yourself:

1. What needs to happen first? Prioritize actions, assess options with pro and con lists, and step out of your comfort zone to find solutions.

2. Who are my people? Gather a team of doers and dreamers alike. Find strengths in each other, harness ideas, and treat each other with kindness as you pave a new road to success.

3. Am I an asset or a liability? Take an honest accounting of your actions and attitude. Are they fueling growth and change or thwarting it?

Surviving and thriving in the face of perceived disaster requires one to establish a proactive, positive mindset coupled with a genuine willingness to dig deep for the will to forge ahead. Only then can a serious setback be overcome, and overcome well.

Unmessable podcast explores what it takes to be a great leader via candid discussions with success business operators and renown thought leaders.

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Tanya Privé leads the strategy and execution for Legacy Transformational Consulting as its Partner and… Read the bio